
Launch of new Original posters
Kazunari Hattori
New poster design works exhibited at "Kazunari Hattori Exhibition", held by OFS GALLERY in March 2023, are now available for sales on POSTERS website.Kazunari Hattori has created iconic posters such as the "CAKE" series, which made use of the features of printing effects; "Paper Cats" series, which are three-dimensional graphics created with paper crafts; and "This is not an apple" series, which is an experiment on “re-drawing” classic paintings digitally. At the exhibition at OFS GALLERY, Hattori presented 7 types of new posters using the same approach - creating 2D graphics with only lines, yet lively capturing and expressing images derived from class paintings with a sense of coincidence in a perfect balance. The series of works are now available on POSTERS in limited editions.
<new poster works from Kazunari Hattori exhibition>
・”Chair” series
・”Flower” series
・”Goldfish” series
・”Wall and Water” series